Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Books 9 - 12 Summary

Books 9-12:
Odysseus tells Alcinoos where he is from and about how Calyspo held him captive prior to his arrival. He traces his route after Troy and he lost many men on the twelve ships and was in a storm the nest three days. On the tenth day they reach the island of the Lotus eaters, the peaceful people who eat the sweet lotus. A few of Odysseus' men want to stay and eat the lotus but he forces them back on the ship. Next they arrive at the land of the Cyclops, the hermit like, one eyed giants. The next day they feat on live stock and the following day they go to the mainland to meet the Cyclops. Odysseus bring goat skin filled with sweet liquor and they come to his cave. They realize he is not their and Odysseus wants to wait for him, he comes in and they hide. The Cyclops Polyphemos notices them and asks who they are, and Odysseus offers to help him with chores. Odysseus lies to the Cyclops and says his ship is wrecked. Polyphemos then eats two of his men whole in front of them, and they are defenseless. Polyphemos goes to sleep in the door way to to block Odysseus from escaping.
The next day Polyphemos eat a few more men and blocks the entrance with a large stone. Odysseus makes a weapon and when Polyphemos comes back and eats more men he offers him wine. Polyphemos asks for more and for his name and Odysseus says his name is "nobody". Odysseus then blinds him and the Cyclops starts yelling "nobody".. so nobody helped him. Once the men get safely on the ship, Odysseus shouts insults to Polyphemos, and he then breaks off a hilltop and throws it near the ship, creating a giant wave. Odysseus refuses Polyphemos' offer, and Polyphemos prays to his father to never let him come home and loose his companions. Odysseus continues his story he is telling to Alcinoos. After the land of the Cyclops they reach the land of the wind god Aiolos. Aiolos host them for a month and gives him a bag containing storm winds to travel back with. After ten days, the crew mistatkes the bag for that of gifts they open it and the ship is sent into a hurricane. The are sent back to Aiolos' island and he believes Odysseus' journey is cursed. Odysseus and his crew sail on without any wind and reach Lamos, land of the giant Laistrygonians. The king, Antiphates, and the queen eat, and the crew escapes as the other Laistrygonians shoot boulders at the retreating ship. Next they arrive to the island of Circe, Odysseus kills a buck and then spots smoke in a forest and sends half his crew to investigate. Outside Circe's house lie some wolves and mountain lions, everyone enters her house except Eurylochos because he suspects deceit. They all feast and Circe adds something to their drink and the turn into pigs. Odysseus entered the house alone and the god Hermes give him a plant that will protect him. Odysseus ends up drinking Circe's potion but remains the same, she obviously shocked, asks him to sleep with her. Odysseus is concerned about his compainons and Circe frees the and they all feast, they end up staying there for a year until Odysseus' men remind him of his plan. Odysseus asks Circe to help him sail home so she gave him detailed instruction, for he must stop in Hadas first and speak to Teiresias. As they are about to leave Elpenor was drunk and fell asleep on the roof, when called he fell off and died. Odysseus and his men sail to the region of the Men of Winter, there the make a sacrifice for Teiresias.While they are waiting for Teiresias, they see the phantom of Elphenor and Odysseus' dead mother. After, Teiresias appears and warns him that Poseidon wants revenge because of what he did to Poseidon's son. He also tell him not to touch the flocks of Helios when he lands on Thrinacia., for it would seal the fate of his crew. Teiresias predicts the future and tells him about the suitors. Teiresias leaves and Odysseus ask his mother what killed her and asks of his family. Alcinoos stops the story and asks Odysseus if he met any of his fellow warriors in the shadows. Odysseus says he saw Agamennon who talks about his death and he also saw Achilles, Tantalos and Sisyphus. The crew travel back to Circe's place where they have Elphenor's funeral. The next day, Odysseus and the rest follow her directions and plug their ears when the Sirens sing, except for Odysseus, he was tied up so he wouldn't be tempted. the following day they must sail between a six-headed sea monster named Scylla, that devoured sailors and as well as a whirlpool. The ship passes the obstacles and reaches the island of Helios, the Sun. Circe told Odysseus not to eat the oxen of this land, and Odysseus passed on the message. Even after being told some of his companions didn't listen and ate them anyway. They died. Winds prevented Odysseus not to leave for a month, he made a sacrifice after being told by Eurylochos to. After they feast for six days, they head out to see but Zeus strikes a lightening bold and wrecks the ship. Odysseus grabs a floating piece of the ship and floats to Calyspo's island.

Character list:

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